About us
Perth Pest Control is a 100% family owned and operated Western Australian business that has been servicing the local market since 1999. Being a family business, and not part of a national or multi-national company like some of our competitors, means we want to provide the best possible service we can to each and every one of our customers and whilst talk’s cheap, our actions have shown that we retain our customers year after year and this only happens if a business provides high quality service and backup.
About our team
Whilst some pest control companies will sub-contract out their work, at Perth Pest Control we refuse to do this. All of our technicians are employed and trained by us and strictly adhere to our company policies and beliefs as well, they are all fully licensed by the Health Department of WA and have current national police clearances.
All this is fine, but one other thing is very important to us . . . ongoing training. As technology in our lives is changing almost hour by hour, so techniques change in the pest control industry. The treatments we use today are vastly different to those used 20 or 30 years ago and our strict company credo is to make sure our team of technicians are fully abreast of the best possible, and most efficacious, pest control treatments available on the market today so you can rest assured we will bring you the most knowledgeable and professional pest control service available in Western Australia.
Areas we service
We embrace technology. We use it to provide a better quality service than any of our competitors and we invest heavily in it for example, we can use radar equipment to detect termites in hidden areas of a building. This thinking continues through to our fleet of technicians who “patrol” the Perth metropolitan area in GPS tracked vehicles that allow us to quickly and efficiently despatch them to jobs without delay.
So with this in mind, it is a simple matter for us to confidently say we service all of the Perth metropolitan area and beyond. Our company policy says “we service from Two Rocks to Mandurah” however with our subsidiary company, Regional Pest Group, we also have a wide coverage for pest control services in the south west of Western Australia even through to Albany and Esperance.
Our warranty
You will find a more detailed section relating to our warranties on this website HERE but suffice to say if you deal with a pest control company that has no insurances or warranties in place, you are playing with fire! We understand our responsibilities and so we have always had, and always will have, the highest level insurance and warranty policies of any pest control company in Australia. We do this to maintain a thorough 100% quality service to all our customers in a confident, respectful and responsible manner.
The final word . . .
At Perth Pest Control we don’t glibly give to lip service saying “we are environmentally friendly”, we act on it. One major point of difference with Perth Pest Control is that we choose not to use solvent based treatments but instead only have water based treatments with our services. Water based treatments tend to be more environmentally friendly and don’t have strong smelling odours hours after a treatment. Secondly, we choose NOT to use generic products in our treatments, but only use original manufacturer’s brand products as we feel these are more effective and their chemical constituents are more aligned with being gentle on the environment. Yes, they are more expensive than generic brands but our company believes we have this obligation to provide both the best and the most eco friendly solution to pest control.
As much as they may deny it, some profits made by international companies does go overseas. Likewise, do overseas owned companies pay their fare of tax here? Be assured, Perth Pest Control is 100% locally (Western Australian) owned and all tax and profits from our company stays here in WA.
“The owners of WA’s biggest pest-control company have reaped the rewards of 15 years work growing the business after selling out to US-listed Rollins Corp late last week.”
“Allpest WA, established in 1959 but owned for the last 15 years by husband and wife team Greg and Sue Mills, was bought by the American pest-control giant to help it establish a beachhead into the Australian market and Asia, Rollins said in a release to the US market late last week.”
Full article – Allpest sold to US giant – (The West Australian Mon, 27 January 2014 9:46AM)