
Caring for the environment

Sea Diving Water Underwater World Underwater FishIn this day and age there is a keen awareness by all of us of the need to care for both our environment as well as our health. We in the pest control industry have a responsibility to foster this attitude with our employees and in turn, always use environmentally friendly pesticides in the pest control treatments we perform.

But . . . it wasn’t always like that!

In days gone by a range of chemicals were used by pest control companies to quell pests around the home and some of these have since been shown to have links with human health hazards ranging from short term impacts such as headaches and nausea to chronic impacts such as cancer, reproductive harm and endocrine disruption. DDT for example was widely used in pest control until it was banned in 1987. Studies showed damage was done to reproductive organs in animals and humans that is still being felt today.
At Perth Pest Control we long ago made a pledge to be one of the most environmentally aware members of the pest control industry. To this end we have taken a number of measures with regard to the types of pest control treatments we perform and always use environmentally friendly pesticides .

ALL treatments we perform involve using water based liquid not solvent based.

If you’ve ever painted your home with an oil based paint you’ll know there’s a strong odour associated with this type of paint as opposed to using a water based product. Similarly traditional solvent based pest treatments can have a distinct smell so for this reason, Perth Pest Control chooses, in all its pest control treatments, to only use water based products . . . they are equally as effective and don’t have a lingering smell.

In our treatment of termites we have even gone one step further. One product we use – Altriset –  is a water based termiticide that’s one of the most effective treatments for destroying a termite colony and, it is not even a poison! This product will not harm animals or humans and it’s completely safe for our environment and amazingly it is not even registered on the Therapeutic Goods Administration Poisons Schedule!

Picture of two dogsNon-secondary poisoning

We’re quite often asked “Will your treatment be harmful to my pets?”  The short answer to this is no and a specific example is when we conduct a rodent treatment in a home.

In this instance, it’s not uncommon for a rat or mouse once having ingested a bait, will seek water and die outside. The family cat, for example, may see the rodent and proceed to devour it and the poison used in the treatment will still be present in that rodent. Some poisons on the market can have a direct effect on the cat however in our rodent treatment, we only use a specific poison that has a non-secondary effect meaning it is completely safe and will have no effect on the family pet should they come across a baited rodent.

Talk is cheap however but be assured, Perth Pest Control is a 2nd generation Western Australian family business that is always wanting to perform our treatments in a way that has the least impact on yours (and our) health as well as the environment.  To be frank, the changes that we have made in pursuit of this philosophy costs us money. It’s much cheaper, for example, to use solvent based treatments than water based ones however we choose to follow this path for the sake of our environment and the future. If you’d like further information on this aspect of our pest control services, please contact us.

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