With a population of over 160,000 and a total land area of some 99 square kilometres, The City of Joondalup forms one of the largest local governments (by population) in Western Australia.
It’s hard to believe that even in the late 1980’s Joondalup was considered an almost semi-rural area with little or no development and even travelling there was considered somewhat of a trek! Government initiatives however changed this. The WA State Government regional development policies, extension of the Mitchell Freeway plus the Joondalup Railway Line have made Joondalup a large,diverse and vibrant part of the Perth community.
Pest problems in the Joondalup area are interesting as the profile of pests here can be slightly different to other suburbs in Perth. In older suburbs such as Claremont and Peppermint Grove for example, possum activity is very common. Joondalup isn’t immune from possum activity it’s just that we find their presence is less likely in relatively newer suburbs.
However one pest that seems to ‘like’ Joondalup is the Coastal Brown Ant. These tiny ants pop up all over the Joondalup area and typically can be seen inside kitchens looking for food and water.
Of course termites are omnipresent in the Joondalup area but luckily finding termite activity, and termite control, are specialties of Perth Pest Control. With this in mind one crucial thing homeowners in the Joondalup area must do is to have an annual termite inspection done on their most valuable asset – their home.
The Joondalup area incorporates a number of new and near new residential developments and complacency, with regard to termites, is quite common and one needs to be aware that termites are not discriminatory when finding a food source and will attack a new home just as gleefully as they will an established one and so the moral is to have your home inspected annually for termites. Perth Pest Control has licensed pest control technicians in the Joondalup area who can perform termite inspections to industry standards.